I decided over lunch on Friday that I was probably going to be the "Bode Miller" of the US Knitting Olympic Team - you know, lots of hype, great potential, didn't come through in the clutch...
Case in point:

Here is the status of my project at noon on Sunday (aka - Closing Day!). Yes, that's my FIRST sock and no, it's not done. I don't know if it was the partying in the Olympic Village, the sprained ankle from the pick-up basketball game or perhaps ALL the interviews that I had to do, but I was not able to get any further...
And I have some major mistake going on - for some reason the bottom of the sock is now knitting a garter pattern, rather than stockinette, despite my best efforts to correct it. Also, the ribbing pattern is all off and it doesn't fit this size 8 foot.
What have I learned from little experience? Not much really, other than I have a lot going on and not enough time to dedicate to knitting. And when I do knit, I have to concentrate more on the project at hand and not so much on speed. Perhaps this being my first attempt to compete at the "senior" level (Only been knitting since Aug05) has something to do with it too.
At any rate, the sock is going to be completely frogged soon and the yarn put to something else, as I really like it - perhaps a less challenging pattern for socks.
So CONGRATULATIONS on all of the gold medal winners out there - you did a great job and deserve all the KUDOS that go with it...And Thanks to all of my teammates and fans for the encouragement and support - I am sorry I let you down, but I am not giving up...must start training for 2010!!